Fields: Add/Edit OAI-PMH Site

Lets you create and edit the settings to allow Portfolio to harvest asset metadata from an OAI-PMH site’s asset repository. The harvest collects only the metadata from the provider’s online archive, not the asset file. However, a link to the asset might be included in the asset’s metadata.

Assets > Import/Export Assets > OAI-PMH Harvest Sites > Add Site

Assets > Import/Export Assets > OAI-PMH Harvest Sites > Edit Site

The link to the OAI-PMH provider is a URL. You will need to obtain the URL from the provider or through a directory of OAI-PMH providers.


Specifies the name (up to 80 characters) of the OAI-PMH site. The name is required. It appears only in the OAI-PMH Harvest Sites list.


Specifies the Universal Resource Locator (no character limit) of the provider’s OAI-PMH server. The URL must include the schema (for example, http), domain, and path, but no query.


Arranges the folders and assets in the digital asset hierarchy in ascending order by either name (Alphabetically) or the date the folder or asset was added to the hierarchy (Chronologically). The default value is Chronologically.

Important:  The selected Sort value is in effect when you are on the Add OAI-PMH Site page. The Sort value returns to Chronologically when you leave and return to the Add OAI-PMH Site page, or if you log out of Portfolio and log in again.

Please Select a Folder

Specifies the target folder where the metadata from the OAI-PMH provider’s asset repository will be imported to. Portfolio will create a special OAI-PMH folder () in the folder you selected and create a hierarchy in that folder based on any sets included with the metadata or by asset creation dates.

The OAI-PMH folder is intended to help you as you manage imported assets. Because you can fully harvest the providers site unlimited times, you need to be aware that any changes that you make in the site’s OAI-PMH folder can overwritten by the results of a full import.

When you return to edit the settings of an OAI-PMH site, you can select a different target folder. When you do, the site’s OAI-PMH folder is moved to the target folder you selected.

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